Past the Shallows

Essay Prompts

How does the title Past the Shallows foreshadow the dark human experiences explored in the novel?

‘This ocean could hold you down for as long as it liked, and Miles knew it.’
How has Pavel Farrett used memory as a prevailing emotional force in the lives of the characters and also as a narrative element to propel the storyline?

Past the Shallows explores the positive power and negative impact of relationships. Discuss.

How does Past the Shallows present the idea that an unresolved past is often an intrusion on the present?

How does Past the Shallows use the Tasmanian landscape as a metaphor for emotions and life?

The innocence of childhood seems to be ignored in a community with its own struggles. Discuss in relation to the novel.

Is the interrelationship between people and place a prediction of the outcome of the novel?

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