An Artist of the Floating World

Essay Prompts

To what extent does An Artist of the Floating World show that there is no pure form of art?

What makes Ono an unreliable narrator of his own story?

Characters in Ishiguro’s novel fail to take responsibility for their actions. Discuss.

Some of the changing values within the An Artist of the Floating World are seen as positive. Discuss.

‘Suichi believes it’s better he [Ichiro] likes cowboys than that he idolise people like Miyamoto Musashi. Suichi thinks the American heroes are the better models for children now.’
To what extent does An Artist of the Floating World demonstrate the extent to which Japan accepted American influence?

In what ways do Suichi’s and Ichiro’s generations differ from Ono’s?

‘…And if on reaching the foot of the hill which climbs up to my house, you pause at the Bridge of Hesitation and look back towards the remains of our old pleasure district, … you may see the line of old telegraph poles … and be able to make out the dark clusters of birds perched uncomfortably on the tops of the poles, as though awaiting the wires along which they once lined the sky…’
In what ways is the Bridge of Hesitation metaphoric of Ono’s life?

How does Setsuko’s character exemplify the changing role of women in An Artist of the Floating World?

Ono has more reasons to feel proud than he does to feel guilty. Do you agree?






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