Burial Rites

Essay Prompts

‘Reverend Johann suggested to me that his criminal behaviour was a direct consequence of his having been badly brought up…’ (Blondal).
Discuss how the novel suggests that a person’s past can be more condemning than their actions.

Burial Rites depicts a society in which power and strength are more valued than love and compassion. Discuss.

Kent’s Burial Rites is more preoccupied with examining human relationships than being about an accused woman awaiting her execution. To what extent do you agree?

The women in Burial Rites are stronger than the men. Do you agree?

Discuss the relationship between truth and redemption in Burial Rites.

Burial Rites places great importance on the journey of one’s life. To what extent is Agnes ready for her journey to end?

It is ultimately prejudice and not the axe that ends Agnes’ life. To what extent do you agree?

‘You can prove your penitence by working like a dog.’ (Margret to Agnes)
Within the novel, 19th century Iceland is seen to be a society that is hard and cruel. Do you agree?

‘What is it she had said? “It ought to live”. As though it would die if Agnes took it into her arms.’ Discuss the role fate and superstition plays in the text.

‘All Agnes has wanted in life is to be loved and it is because of love she is executed.’ Discuss.

‘The fate of the characters in Burial Rites is to live in a harsh landscape surrounded by unforgiving people.’ Discuss.

Is this a story then about the loneliness of our end in life, or does it celebrate the comfort that a person can bring to the dying? Discuss.

‘But what to do with a woman who was not willing to atone?’ To what extent does Toti really help Agnes?

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