Cat's Eye

Essay Prompts

Although Elaine’s identity is in some ways forged by the three girls, how have their identities been forged by their home life?

How is Elaine still haunted by Cordelia and in what ways has this affected her adult life and relationships?

In The Three Muses, Elaine paints Mrs Finestein, Miss Stuart and Mr Banerji. What part have they played as the muses in her life?

How are the relationships between males toward males depicted in comparison to those between females?

‘”Remember this,” our father says. “This is a classic infestation. You won’t see an infestation like this again for a long time.” It’s the way I’ve heard people talk about forest fires, or the war: respect and wonderment mixed in with the sense of catastrophe.’
In what way was this childhood discussion with her father realised throughout Elaine’s life?

How does Atwood incorporate the fields of art, science and religion and what is the novel’s message about these strands?

‘Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space . . . if you knew enough and could move faster than light you could travel backward in time and exist in two places at once.’ Discuss with reference to more than one character.

In the novel Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood, how does Elaine struggle to free herself from the power of others and gain control over her life?

How does Cat’s Eye show the importance of family in personal development?

In Margaret Atwood’s Cat’s Eye, how do Elaine’s paintings reflect her life?

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