Nine Days

Essay Prompts

‘Your memory fades,’ she says. ‘But not the pictures…that’s what I like about them. They last forever.’ (p 97) Discuss the importance of memories and recollection in Nine Days.

Nine Days shows us that breaking away from the fear that confines us enables us to flourish. To what extent do you agree?

‘Parents raise and feed and clothe and educate us.’ (p 85) Discuss the changing role of family in Nine Days.

The novel pivots around the different global conflicts of the eras. Discuss the continued apprehension within the text and examine the effects of this.

‘Alec. You must know this. People disappear.’ (p 261) How is the concept of loss dealt with in Toni Jordan’s Nine Days?

How is education dealt with within Nine Days?

Connie declares, ‘I don’t care a fig what anyone thinks.’ Is it only when characters let go of their inhibitions that we see them for who they truly are?

Nine Days purports that it is the roles of women that have evolved over time, and not of men. To what extent do you agree?

Nine Days plays homage to the tumultuous home front in Australia and the hardships faced by many. Discuss.

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