Ransom and The Queen



Part 1 Quotes

The sea has many voices. The voice this man is listening for is the voice of his mother. (Achilles) Part 1

He had grieved. But silently, never permitting himself to betray to others what he felt. (Achilles on losing his mother) Part 1

So it was settled. Patroclus was to be his [Achilles’] adoptive brother, and the world, for Achilles reassembled itself around a new centre… from this moment on he could conceive of nothing in the life he must live that Patroclus would not share in and approve. (Achilles and Patroclus’ relationship) Part 1

He was waiting for the rage to fill him that would be equal at last to the outrage he was committing. That would assuage his grief, and be so convincing to the witnesses of this barbaric spectacle that he might too believe there was a living man at the centre of it, and that man himself. (Achilles after he murders Hector) Part 1

Part 2 Quotes

He is obliged, in his role as king, to think of the kings’ sacred body, this brief six feet of earth he moves and breathes in – aches and sneezes and all – as at once a body like any other and an abstract of the lands he represents, their living map. (Priam) Part 2

But where else could such a dangerous suggestion come from if from an immortal? One of those who are free to raise blasphemous questions, just because in being that, immortal, they will never be subject to what might follow from the answer. (Priam on the gods after they have given him the vision of the ransom) Part 2

‘The fact that it has never been done, that it is novel – unthinkable – except that I have thought of it – is just what makes me believe it should be attempted. It is possible because it is not possible. And because it is simple.’ (Priam trying to convince Hecuba that he must do the ransom) Part 2

Part 3 Quotes

He was a rough fellow, this companion he has chosen, with no notion, so far as he could see, of what was proper, but he did not know his way about, and there was so much simple modesty and goodwill in the man, and so much tact in the way he made his suggestions, that Priam found nothing objectionable in him. (Priam on Somax) Part 3

Of course these things were not new in themselves. The water, the fish, the flocks of snub-nosed swifts had always been here, engaged in their own lives… but till now he [Priam] had no occasion to take notice of them. They were not in his royal sphere. Part 3

It had never occurred to him that the food that came to his table so promptly, and in such abundance, might have ingredients… all that had been none of his concern. (Priam) Part 3

He knew too what it was to lose a son. He had lost so many in these last months and years, all of them dear to him – or so he had told himself. (Priam) Part 3

If he really was the celestial joker – messenger, thief, trickster, escort of souls to the underworld – where were they heading? (Priam on the god Hermes) Part 3

Part 4 Quotes

The man is clearly not his father but for half a hundred beats of his heart his father had been truly present to him, and he continues now to feel tenderly vulnerable to all those emotions in him that belong to that sacred bond. (Achilles initially thinks Priam is his father when he visits) Part 4

Achilles is intrigued by this by-play between the two old men, who belong to such different worlds – the humility of one, the awkward shyness of the other (Achilles observing the comfortable connection between Priam and Somax) Part 4

‘Think what it would mean to you, Achilles, if it was his [Neoptolemus’] body lying out there, unconsecrated after eleven days and nights in the dust.’ (Priam to Achilles) Part 4

Part 5 Quotes

After his moment of turmoil, Priam has settled. The air is fresh and clear. The cart rolls along at a good pace now, lighter than on the journey out. This is triumph. Part 5

He [Priam] has done this and is coming home, even in these last days of his life, as a man remade. Part 5

The bronze-haired avenger of his father’s death [Neoptolemus], already filled with the fierce light of the future, is at sea and sailing fast for Troy. A child of time, he knows already that the last days of this story belong to him. Part 5

The Queen Quotes

Scene 1

‘Certainly not. We’re in danger of losing too much that’s good about this country as it is.’ (The artist speaking to the Queen about why he didn’t vote for Blair and considers him to be too modern) Scene 1

The inner courtyard of Buckingham Palace. In a ritual unchanged since Queen Victoria, a uniformed PIPER, wearing a kilt of Ancient Hunting Stuart tartan, marches under her Majesty’s windows, playing the bagpipes. It’s her morning alarm call, and it’s the way she wakes up wherever she is – anywhere in the world. (Script notes) Scene 1

‘How nice to see you again Mrs Blair… you must be very proud?’ (The Queen when she meets the Blairs) Scene 1

Scene 2

‘Diana is no longer an HRH, nor a member of the Royal Family. This is a private matter.’ (The Queen explaining to Blair why she will not get involved) Scene 2

‘Well, let’s cancel everything else. This is going to be massive. I’d better make a statement in the morning.’ (Blair to Alastair on the night Diana was confirmed dead) Scene 2

Scene 3

‘It would appear that every proprietor and editor of every publication that has paid for intrusive and exploitative photographs of her has blood on his hands today…’(Charles Spencer, Diana’s brother’s speech to the press on the morning after Diana died) Scene 3

‘They liked her, they loved her, they regarded her as one of the people. She was the people’s princess, and that is how she will stay, how she will remain in our hearts and memories forever…’ (Tony Blair’s initial speech after Diana’s death, televised) Scene 3

Scene 4

‘What? So it’s OK for his mother to take the bullet, not him [Charles]? What a family.’ (Blair commenting on Charles’ behavior after Lamport has contacted him) Scene 4

‘It’s a family funeral, Mr. Blair. Not a fairground attraction. I think the Princess has already paid a high enough price for exposure to the press, don’t you?’ (The Queen to Blair) Scene 4

Scene 5

‘They screwed up her life. Let’s hope they don’t screw up her death.’ (Blair, on the royal family) Scene 5

‘”It proves, the Royals are not like us”, the Mirror. “Time to change the Old Guard at Buckingham Palace”. Express.’ (An administration aide at Blair’s office reads the daily headlines of the press) Scene 5

Scene 6

‘Every strong woman in history has had to walk down a similar path…’ (Diana during her infamous BBC interview) Scene 6

‘If you’re suggesting that I drop everything and come down to London before I attend to two boys that have just lost their mother… you’re mistaken.’ (The Queen defending her decision to stay at Balmoral Castle) Scene 6

‘The next thing he’ll [Blair] be suggesting you change your name to Hilda and mine to Hector? Who does he think he’s talking to? You’re the Sovereign. The Head of State. You don’t get dictated to.’ (Philip expressing his anger at Blair for pressuring the Queen and for, what he feels, is overstepping the line) Scene 6

‘But they’re still making the mistake of thinking the Diana they knew from living and dealing with her, will eventually be the one seen by the public. But it’s not. The two Dianas, theirs and ours, bear no relation to one another at all.’ (Charles is certain that Diana will always be remembered favorably to the public, and that his family need to understand this) Scene 6

Scene 7

‘Prime Minister, I understand how difficult her behavior must seem to you… how unhelpful… but try to see it from her perspective… ‘ (Janvrin when he contacts Blair to try and explains the Queen’s behavior) Scene 7

Suddenly, almost imperceptibly, we notice her shoulders are shaking. Not dramatically, but enough to suggest what is happening. The QUEEN – away from the world – is crying. We only see her back. Presently, she reaches into her jacket pocket, produces a handkerchief, and dabs her eyes. Gradually, she composes herself. (Script notes, when Elizabeth is on the highlands on her own and sees the stag) Scene 7

Scene 8

‘I told the Queen’s private secretary I’d do what I could to help with the press… I think there’s something ugly about the way everyone’s started to bully her.’ (Blair to Cherie) Scene 8

Scene 9

‘Yes, he’s a beauty, isn’t he? An Imperial, Ma’am. Fourteen pointer. I’m afraid the stalkers had to follow him for miles – to finish him off.’
(Elizabeth’s voice cracks) ‘Let’s hope he didn’t suffer too much.’
(The Gillie and Elizabeth speak over the carcass of the dead stag) Scene 9

Scene 10

‘I made a couple of changes. So it sounds like it comes from a human being.’ (Alastair about the Queens speech) Scene 10

‘That woman has given her whole life in service to her people – fifty years doing a job she NEVER wanted – a job she watched kill her father. She’s executed it with dignity, honour and, as far as I can tell, without a single blemish – and now we line up baying for her blood…’ (Blair defending the Queen to his office) Scene 10

‘We have all been trying in our different ways to cope. The initial shock is often succeeded by a mixture of other feelings. Disbelief, incomprehension, anger and concern for those who remain.’ (The Queen’s speech) Scene 10

Scene 11

‘I hope she shows you some respect this time. It’s quite a debt of gratitude she owes you… Mr “Saviour of the Monarchy.”’ (Cherie to Blair as he gets ready to visit the Queen two months after the funeral) Scene 11

‘I still believe History will show it was a good week for you.’
‘And an even better one for you, Mr Blair.’
‘But there are fifty-two weeks in a year, Ma’am. And two and a half thousand in a half century.’
‘And when people come to assess your legacy, no one will remember those few days.’
(Blair and Elizabeth after the events have passed) Scene 11

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