Station Eleven

Essay Prompts

The most wonderful, the strangest thing anyone had ever given her. It was a lump of glass with a storm cloud trapped inside. In what way does the paperweight reflect the elements of society?

‘To Arthur’, they said. They drank for a few more minutes and then went their separate ways in the storm. How is Arthur’s death central to the novel?

The prophet discusses death: ‘I’m not speaking of the tedious variations on physical death. There’s the death of the body, and there’s the death of the soul’. ‘Survival is Insufficient’ is the Travelling Symphony’s motto. Discuss with reference to these quotes how Station Eleven views life, death and survival.

Arthur wishes to be remembered. What is his legacy?

The state of a society cannot be measured by its technology but through its art. Discuss.

What is the role of technology in Station Eleven?

Examine the ways in which the graphic novel series, Dr Eleven, mirrors the post-Georgia Flu world.

Miranda declares, ‘I regret nothing.’ Who does harbour regret in Station Eleven?

Where does hope lie in Station Eleven?

What does Mandel achieve through her use of foreshadowing and various time periods?

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