The Women of Troy

Essay Prompts

‘The forces that control our lives are as unpredictable in their behaviour as any capering idiot.’ Discuss the role of fate in The Women of Troy.

The Women of Troy was a play before its time, dealing with the previously unconsidered victims of war. Discuss.

Euripides is relentlessly unforgiving in his portrayal of female victims suffering in the midst of male warfare. To what extent do you agree?

How does Euripides use language to portray loss and suffering in The Women of Troy?

‘There is one thing worse than fear – that is fear without reason!’ Despite the circumstances that befall them, characters in The Women of Troy exercise great strength. To what extent do you agree?

In The Women of Troy, the men are fuelled by duty and obligation whilst it is the women that feel the true heartache of tragic circumstances. Discuss.

‘O gods!…Gods are treacherous helpers, yet when our world had collapsed, it seems suitable to call upon the gods.’ Discuss the role of the gods in The Women of Troy.

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